Title: The Mighty Thor: Thunder in Her Veins
Title: The Mighty Thor: Thunder in Her Veins
Author: Jason Aaron
Have I read this book before No.
How obtained: Borrowed from my local library
Why this book: Like Book #8, I wanted to read this collection of comic book issues in preparation for Thor: Love and Thunder
Quote from the book: By the end of the week, I'll have realized for about the hundredth time that. except for the dying part, having cancer is a piece of cake compared to getting rid of it.
What others are saying about this book: This review is from Quirky Cat's Fat Stacks.
What Did I Think: I liked the concept of the series. There is a danger in a book of reprints of a comic book that some of the continuity will be lost based on what issues you decide to reprint. I was a little confused in that regard. I really did enjoy this book and will probably read the next volume.
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